My new family enrolled in the child care center from Mexico.
How can I prepare to receive this new family?
Send a
welcome letter to the family with their native language and English on the
Include in the letter a getting to know you questionnaire.
I would have a welcome package with school
supply items (if accepting gifts is ok with the culture).
Make sure the classroom environment is labeled
and reflects the different cultures of the class.
I would help the class and myself learn familiar
words and phrases
Most of all ask the family what is needed to
support me in the transition.
Most of all to be culturally sensitive. Critical
teaching requires teachers to admit that they do not know everything. We can
learn from our students by listening to them. We need to document, respect, and
learn about people from all over the world, particularly those who are
dramatically different from us (Hyland, 2010).
I think strategies such as the
ones above will help both the class and myself grow in my knowledge and
awareness of different cultures. It also
helps in all our efforts to become more culturally sensitive.
As an childhood professional what would you suggest?
Hyland, N. E. (2010). Social justice in early childhood classrooms:
What the research tells us. YC: Young Children, 65(1), 82-87.