Saturday, January 26, 2019

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

What is your definition of culture?
  • What is your definition of the definition of diversity?

Nineteen year old female
Something you identify with part of your identity.  Such as I’m black, I like upbeat music, Zydeco music spin on country music and has an African American music sound.  I like long hair my mails done.  Like Baptist , Pentecostal church don’t do quiet church
What make you different the difference between people in society
Eleven Year old male
A way of life past down by different ethnicity passed down through generations. How different people live.  Different people do different stuff

People being different.  There are no two people who are alike they are all different, special and unique. 

Forty-nine  year old male
Applies to a way of life for a defined region mid-west east coast. Practices of norm with in a region

I look for equal representation of multiple races or things.  I think there has to be diversity not just one a variety. 

·         Which aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are included in the answers I received—and what are some examples?

What I have learned was reflected in the answers such as: music, things pasted down from generation, things specific to regions, and ways we do things differently. 

·         Which aspects have been omitted—and what are some examples of such omission?

In a broad since of what we have studied noting has been left out.  If more time or thought was given I think each person would have added more.  For the most part the definitions was covered.

·         In what ways has thinking about other people’s definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics?

My thinking has not changed. The responses from the 11 year old has given me hope in this world that appears for be going backwards in respect for others cultures and their diversity.   I think sometime we know the definitions but putting them into everyday practices is something totally different. 


  1. Hi Barbara!
    Your post sparked my interest when I saw the response from the 19-year old. I am going to ask you a question and I hope that I am not being stereotypical-was the young lady from East Texas or Louisiana? What made me ask this question is that I lived in East Texas for three years and that is when I first heard of Zydeco music. My East Texas experience relates to what we have been studying in this class. I am an African-American from Alabama with my own since of culture and beliefs. I noticed that the African-Americans in Texas differed from me in musical tastes, culture, food, and lifestyles. I had never heard of Zydeco until I moved there. That goes to show that people of the same race can be culturally different.

  2. This are very true. People can vary so much even if they are the same race. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Well the 19 year old is from Houston, Texas my daughter. I'm from here also however my mom was from Louisiana. We were raised in both cultures.

  4. I really like reading about what the people you talked with said. The 19 year old, I never heard of Zydeco music, I am going to have to look that up and listen to it.

    I think if we focus on what's going on learning more about each other and understanding what our cultures mean to us, a lot of people will be respected more.

    1. Hi Babara,
      I am the unknown person, I responded from my computer in my classroom.
